Saturday, March 20, 2010

Guest Blogger Series - Karen

Hey MCB fans! Check out Thursday, March 18 from the perspective of artistic director Karen Grundy.

Thursday morning I received a call from Shannon saying she had a migraine and was unable to teach company class. I called Sean to see if he was available but Cordin was sick and needed to go to the doctor. Next was Noelle, as much as I hate asking, Noelle was ready and willing, no problem at all, snag overcome. Next coffee, yogurt, and vitamins, then I had to give Reese, my 17 year old cat, some fluids via IV under the skin, have to keep her hydrated.

I got to the studio around 10am and answered emails, made final decisions on our poster for 'Live", made some phone calls, and watched some of Noelle's class (nice stuff going on in there), before going into the studio for the rest of the day. Then was my turn in the studio and time to start "Desperate Measures", music is by the Tom Andes Trio. This piece is very involved with each dancer having a specific character, it's important for me to get as much input from everyone in the studio so we can be sure to get the full story across to the audience. It did not move as slowly as I thought it may that was encouraging. After lunch we had a pile up on the loveseat to see how many dancers could fit, I think we got to 7. Next we played a game called "I win!", and I did! Ha! There's a video somewhere which proves my win. Mark, Mr. President, stopped by and we had him watch what we had done, he didn't get it. Now, you may think this would be discouraging but it was not. Everything will make sense along with lighting and projection, which Mark did not know about. So I'm still confident this piece will come across clearly to the audience, we were able to get half of the first section done by the end of the day, good progress.

After rehearsal I ran home to feed Reese and get ready for Pilates. I taught 2 Pilates privates at Pilates for Everybody and then met the girls out for a little R and R. We had a great dinner at Hemingway's, it was nice visiting with everyone. I got home at a reasonable hour to find Mark and Reese sound asleep. Then night night for me to get my rest to start it all over again on Friday.

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