Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Guest Blogger Series - Cassie

MCB apprentice Cassie Roloff tells about her Tuesday, March 30!

Hey everyone! I hope you've all been enjoying our blogs and are also as excited as we are for our upcoming shows. Only 10 days until LIVE at the Missouri Theatre, and just 2 until "Ballets that Rock" in Moberly!! We have a busy few weeks coming up so that we can be ready for them!

My Tuesday began nice and early as my alarm clock rang at 5:15AM. After hitting the snooze button a few times, by 5:30 I decided that I had to get up. Thankfully I had preset my coffee maker the night before so I got to enjoy a nice cup o' joe right away. I then had to be out the door by 5:50 in order to get to work by 6.

I work at Sven's Kafe and Gallery which is conveniently located right next to the dance studio. I had a slow morning of serving other sleepy people coffee and pastries, which was perfect for me because I then had time to review some of the pieces for our upcoming shows. (You really CAN practice anywhere.) Then it was time for ballet class at 9:00.

After class with Sean, we ran through all of Shannon's pieces before our break. It was a lot to get through, but we managed to do it with even a little time to spare. Then, off to lunch...yumm!

I had brought a piece of quiche from home to eat, but then became sad as I realized that we no longer have our microwave in the studio. So instead I ate almonds and a V8 fusion for lunch and took note to no longer bring foods that need to be heated up.

After lunch we were back in the studio to work on Desperate Measures. Tom Andes joined us and helped clear up some of our music uncertainties. Then (drum roll please....) we finished the ballet!! It felt like such a success to end the day with giving Desperate Measures a double check and adding it to the "done" file of ballets.

I was finished with dancing for the day, but it still wasn't time to go home for me. Instead I headed right back to Sven's for some more work. It was a very slow afternoon at the Kafe and I was able to close on time and start heading home by 6:15PM. I was SO thrilled to walk outside and find that the weather was still beautiful.

After getting home I decided to take advantage of the nice weather and took my puppy, Zoey, for a walk around Stephens Lake. She really enjoyed being outside and saying hi to all of the other people and puppies that were walking around the park too. Then we went home and I attempted to make some chili for dinner. I think that it turned out okay (but I am also the only one who has tried it so far). I then had to fight myself to stay awake while I waited for my boyfriend/official MCB mascot, Simon, to get off of work so that I could go pick him up and bring him home. Of course, he had to stay late and wasn't done until about 10:45. At 11PM I was finally able to crawl into bed and fall asleep so that I could wake up early and go to work again Wednesday morning.

That is a day in the life of MCB apprentice, Cassie Roloff. As always feel free to stop by the dance studio to watch us rehearse or just come into Sven's Kafe and Gallery to see me! :)

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